The Haji Lane Saga Continues! ✨
Amanda Teng1 comment
This has been a very, very dramatic week for us! Whew! And the drama still continues… 2 weeks ago, we thought we had found a new home for Everyday Vegan at Haji Lane. We signed the deposit cheque, signed the letter of intent and sent it to the owners. We had a handshake agreement, but last week, the owner had a change of mind and rejected our offer after accepting it. 🤦♀️
This really threw a wrench into our plans. We had already terminated our lease at our current location. So for the past week we have been looking for back-up warehouses, storage places and of course, new units along haji lane (actually, I looked all over Singapore 🤪). We have to vacate from our Grandstand unit by the end of the month so I was ready to move to Pulau Ubin if there was no other choice 😅😅😅
But lo and behold, on Wednesday night, our agent ringed us and told us that a prospective tenant had let go of another unit along Haji Lane, and now it was available to us. And can you believe it, the photos looked even better than the unit we were going to move into. And I was really excited.
The next day, we ran over to Haji Lane, the first chance we could and inspected the unit. It was just the right size and so we said yes on the spot, and went back home to get our cheque book and prepare our letter of intent.
We had an appointment to pass the cheque and letter over the next day at 5.30pm (yesterday). I decided to go a little earlier, at around 2pm, to survey the traffic and also visualise our shop on Haji Lane 😁 I ended up chatting with the neighbours. It was during these chat sessions, that I discovered that this particular unit that we were considering, was known for really severe water seepage at the walls, a broken roof and wood-rot on the 2nd level floorboards. I estimated it would take at least 50 thousand dollars just to get this place renovated and safe for use. Ouch.
Immediately I was heartbroken, because I suddenly was not sure if I could actually handle the stress of dealing with these major renovation issues on top of the rushed move 😟 I pulled my offer, went back home, and told myself to sleep on it.
This morning, I got up super early, with a bright new, morning-glow, perspective. I spoke with my hubby and we both agreed we had to give this a try. I was already so committed to the move, and I’m not sure if I backtrack now, would I find the courage later on to build a brick-and-mortar store again.
So here we are. I put my offer in just 2 hours ago, and I hope the owners agree! Meanwhile, I need to get very creative about my budgeting for the new store.
I could also use your help! 🙏
As a small business, cashflow is our oxygen. And you can help give us some 'fresh air' by supporting our clearance-day event on the 25th and 26th of June. We are selling tickets for only $5 each and you get to enjoy clearance prices of 20-30% of everything. On top of that, we are launching our fast-food menu! Cheese-style burgers, fishless no-fillets, cheeky sandwiches, lemonade coolers, frappes with whipped cream and soft-serve ice creams! 😋
It's also not too late to still get a VIPea pass. We still have 10 more slots but we will be temporarily closing registrations on 19th June, so hurry to get your annual pass and goodie bag before it runs out.
Love & Light ✨
Comments (1)
Whoever is doing good for the world, you’ll get support, I’m sure. You’re such an inspiration Amanda, thank you for sharing this crazy journey, happy you secured this spot, because Haji lane is a great location. Good luck, strength, wisdom and most of all a lot of joy :)